This is an opportunity to serve our parish community in a special way at the Mass. Liturgical ministers are an essential part of our celebration of the Mass and, therefore, serve an instrumental role in our parish. Liturgical ministries include Altar Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Hospitality Ministers, and Money Counters.
Altar Servers:
Altar Servers are boys and girls in 3rd grade through 12th grade who assist the presider at weekend Masses.
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at Masses and other liturgical services.
Hospitality Ministers:
Ministers of hospitality (aka ushers) handle the peripheral business of a Mass. We greet parishioners, help them find seats, take up the collection, assist with those that want Communion brought to them, start parishioners lining up for Communion.
Money Counters:
Money Counters will meet on Mondays at 10:00am in the church office to help count money from weekend Masses.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact the Circle of Saints Office.