Marriage is a sacrament within the Catholic Church, and all Catholics should be married in the Church. It is a wonderful sacrament of vocation in which Christians are called to mirror the love of God through their free, faithful, and fruitful choice to love another for the entirety of life. Couples wishing to get married should contact the Church at least 6 months prior to marriage in order to complete preparations to enter into this sacrament. No weddings will be scheduled until the initial interview to be sure that couples are free to marry within the Church.
Weddings are typically celebrated on Saturdays at 10:30am or 2pm.
Please contact Father Michael McAndrew (, Deacon Stan Upah ( for more information and to set up an appointment.
El Matrimonio es un sacramento dentro de la Iglesia Catolica, y todos los Catolicos deben ser casados en la iglesia. Es un sacramento de vocacion maravilloso en el cual Cristianos son llamados a imitar el amor de Dios gratuitamente, con fe, es una fructuosa opcion a amar a otra persona por el resto de tu vida. Parejas que desean casarse deben de contactar la Iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la boda para poder acompletar las preparaciones para entrar en este sacramento. No ajendaremos ninguna boda hasta que la primera entrevista sea completada, para asegurarnos que la pareja pueda contraer matrimonio por la Iglesia.
Typicamente las bodas son celebradeas los Sabados a las 10:30am o 2:00pm.
Favor de contactarse con Padre Michael McAndrew ( o con el Diacono ( para mas informacion y para ajendar una cita.